Welcome to the Funamals Blog

Welcome to the Funamals Blog
Funamals is a company that represents the whimsical artwork of Amy DeCaussin.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mayhem to Management

My pup Mr. Mikey fell asleep like this in the middle of the floor!

Last week got away from me.  Ever have a day to get something done and then all of a sudden people change your entire day's plans all at once?  That is what happened to me and it spiraled out of control from there leaving me exhausted, frustrated and unsure which end was up.  Currently I am really stressed about my upcoming fall season.  I expect it to be busy with almost every weekend booked with a show through November.  Over the weekend I added a seventh location in South Haven, Michigan.  I feel the need to scramble now to make sure I am prepared for the coming months.

Eventually I ended up realizing that half of it comes from the un-organization that is the result of my frenzied week!  And if a picture of my computer screen says anything about how things have gotten away around here, one can only imagine the state of the studio!

So I cleaned things up and then I sat down and began to plan the next few months out.  I pulled up my icalendar and started adding everything into it.  It also allows you to put alarms on events which is great when you need to be reminded in advance for things like appointments and paying bills.  My doctor told me last week that it was time to make a few changes in my life, and that includes enough sleep, exercise and time to myself.  I was also reminded that my house plants need to be watered and my boyfriend needs attention once in a while too.  This means that I need to schedule all of the tasks that need to be done as well as blocks of time for exercise, laundry, grocery shopping, emailing clients, phone calls, the boyfriend, and sometimes even sleeping.  All activities must be written down to ensure that they get tended to--and yes basics like sleep and leisure have to been written in or I'll forget!

This week is already looking pretty busy!

Now that my schedule is more organized, I am feeling much more refreshed and I have calmed down.

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